Blanching Green and Root Vegetables

I took WAY too long to finish this lesson, but I finally finished it, so here we go! This lesson, I was blanching vegetables! Green and root vegetables to be exact.

My green vegetable of choice was broccoli, and the root vegetable I chose was carrots. Blanching was such a fun activity to do and learn! I really enjoyed doing this. I did this lesson a little differently, that instead of practicing all week, we did one day of each, and also did a different way of cooking each vegetable to compare the color and flavor/texture.

The first one I did was the broccoli. Of course, one of the ways I cooked it was blanching, but the other method I used for cooking the broccoli, to compare to the blanched was steaming. The left was steamed, and the right was blanched. Doesn’t the blanched look like it’s fresh? 

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Left of foil barrier – steamed
Right of foil barrier – blanched

Now on to the next vegetable I blanched… the carrot!

I boiled the pieces of carrot, for the method to be compared to blanched. I also compared it to a piece of fresh carrot, as well. In the following picture is three pieces of carrot. This is how I rated the texture of the carrots. 

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Left to right – Fresh, blanched, boiled

And now, here is the two methods of cooking, side by side

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Blanched (left) and boiled (right)

This was a really fun lesson to do. I really thought it was cool, and a little crazy how short the vegetables were in the water before coming out of the pot to be done blanching! I enjoyed comparing different methods to cook the vegetables. I definitely will continue blanching things in the future!

I also made a Instagram account to go along with this blog! If you haven’t already, go follow me on there as well! If you came FROM Instagram, let me know in the comments on here OR on a post on the Instagram account!

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